SurfacePrep has local, limited supply of hand and surface sanitizer available to our customers. SurfacePrep hand sanitizer is effective for sanitizing surfaces as well. Our hand sanitizer is a liquid, 80% Alcohol Antiseptic Topical Solution that can be used on skin and work surfaces. It can also be used to clean equipment surfaces that can be cleaned with liquid.

Our hand sanitizer is available in the following sizes:

  • 8-ounce flip top bottles (24 bottles to a case, sold by full case)
  • 24-ounce spray bottles (10 bottles to a case, sold by full case) *
  • 1-gallon containers (Two gallons per box)
  • 5-gallon buckets
  • 55-gallon drums


Alcohol sanitizers containing at least 70% kill 99.9% of bacteria on hands 30 seconds after applications and kills 99.99% within one minute. Hand sanitizer is effective when used to prevent the spread of disease by killing germs on skin and surfaces. According to research, alcohol-based, hand sanitizer plays an important part in reducing the spread of viruses.


SurfacePrep SuperE Sanitizer follows the “Temporary Policy for Preparation of Certain Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Products During the Public Health Emergency (COVID-19) Guidance for Industry” set by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, and the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) which was released March 2020.


*Preorders can be taken for 24-ounce spray bottles. This size will be available for shipping in late May / early June.


Please contact us for additional information and availability of SurfacePrep SuperE Sanitizer and visit our Locations page to find the office closest to you.


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