In dry ice applications, high-density CO2 pellets are propelled via a high-velocity stream. The media makes contaminants and coatings brittle, helping them break off and leave the surface underneath.

Unlike other blasting media, dry ice leaves no secondary waste because the media evaporates on impact. The only cleaning to be done after blasting is the cleaning of whatever was removed. This helps lower an application’s time and cost.

It is also a non-toxic media, allowing it to meet the needs of specialty applications where EPA, USDA, and FDA guidelines are involved.

Dry Ice Media Applications:

  • Cleaning food industry equipment and factory machines
  • Cleaning molds in the plastic, automotive parts, and packaging material manufacturing industry
  • Cleaning a variety of surface to remove rust, paint, oil, adhesives, dirt, etc.

Dry Ice Pellet Physical Characteristics:

  • Hardness – 2.0-3.0 Mohs
  • Sizes available: 6mm pellets or block